Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rephresh Period Why Do I Keep Getting Bacterial Vaginosis After/during My Period?

Why do I keep getting Bacterial Vaginosis after/during my period? - rephresh period

In Decemeber, he married and started having sex a week later (if my time) I started itching and burning down there if my urine on the inflamed part of my vagina. I've never had this problem before! I have some RepHresh and left (at least I thought). In February I went to the gynecologist for the first time, and she told me I had BV, although the symptoms were gone. I thought it was just for sex because he did not before.

The gynecologist and the antibiotics I've made. I started my first period after taking the drug and itching Ness and burying urination returned again. I'll make a detection kit, you will find that it is what it is, but I'm sure it's because it exactly the same symptoms. I'm doing everything recommended and I have not changed my stamp or something (and unscented). I drank more water, linen, cotton, etc. I do not know why the return


Louise - Mummy to a prince! said...

The blood changes the pH in the vagina so that it causes ...

With the use of condoms and other sex are condoms in some BV

Otherwise, talk to your doctor, and eat a lot of things, such as live yoghurt, cheese, etc., etc.

Dorothy K said...

Never felt an itching or burning two days after sex if he is not in the period, or feels a little irritated right after sex? Your problem can be a latex allergy, which caused a rash on the vaginal area. Then, when the liquid body is constantly exposed to very red, irritated, itchy and burns like hell.

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