Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lord Beresford Reverse Labouchere Roulette Question?

Roulette question? - lord beresford reverse labouchere

Familiar with the writings of Lord Beresford systems Roulette Anyone? Norman was the inspiration for Leigh, who is the "Reverse Labouchere" system.
Looking for original book that Leigh found.


Adie said...

I am familiar with the "Reverse Labouchere System, but I can say that no system works for the best.

The house advantage in every round (assuming that is the American double-zero wheel) over 5.3%. Change No amount of manipulation of conditions can this fact.

The purpose of such a system should be to increase the fun and give you a good end to the game session is no guarantee of a victory.

karl m said...

Roulette is a game of skill. The estimate of the speed of the ball and can predict the correct quadrant. INCOME a margin of 15-20%.

Tired Old Man said...

I tried 4 days in Las Vegas to secure a victory. The only winner was the man who sold it!

Player said...

"Reverse Labouchere" my system ****!

Wong brief discredit falsehood underlying growth, which has been created, it bears repeating, if not expanding:

A sum of the numbers remain the same, regardless of the added sequence numbers. Sun 5 2 100 44 is equal to 151, where is 2 5 44 100 or 44 5 100 2, etc.

Thus, the size of Paris to vary in a game that does not change a certain waiting time, the expectations, "said the player. Let the wheel (European style), provided in a fair and honest game, a wheel [" eye eye Mine pit, threw the young French, who had been writing numbers on paper, for two weeks!]. The player of the game is a mathematical disadvantage of 2.7%.

Each band before the same problem. So, whether you bet $ 5 and $ 2 for $ 100 $ 44 immediately after, or bet $ 2 / $ 5 / $ 44 / $ 100, or any sequence / System / succession / progression. Each player from Paris leads to the same disadvantage of 2.7%. At the end of a sequence of Paris for a total of 151 in action, is mathematically / theoretically not be behind by $ 151 x 2.7% = $ 4.07. Do you know why?

Because if you add [2x2.7 $ %]+[$ 5x2.7 %]+[$ 44x2.7 %]+[$ 100x2.7 ... the same result with the addition of [$ 5x2.7%] + [44x2.7 $ %]+[$ 100x2.7 %]+[$ 2x2.7 ... or any other sequence, which are, in our case it is $ 4.07.

The variation of the argument by many progressives. Rising from the table by the gain in the amount of XYZ at adsvantage SD, etc.All of these are easily proved to be untenable. The best players can expect a progressive system of Paris athlete is a game to a disdvantage is that you can lose your money slower, because of "discipline" in the bet that some of these regimes to be imposed.

"Thirteen disadvantages of the bank" is really fun to read, whether to suspend belief in reality for a few hours. I also had a good time to read it as a work of fiction. There is nothing wrong. I mean, I enjoy every action / adventure movies as well?

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